online store PBS Portrait Project with Swoon (featuring Million Person Project)

Artist Caledonia Curry/Swoon and the Million Person Project are collaborating with PBS on a mass-scale storytelling initiative, PBS American Portrait. Over fourteen thousand stories have been contributed by people from all over the country. But what makes a good story? How do we share authentically in a way that connects our personal histories to the lives of others? Can sharing a vulnerable truth be a catalyst for positive change in our families or communities?  

Why would 14,000 people share their stories? Why should you share YOUR story? What does it mean to be a part of an "American Portrait?" Does your story have to be "good" to be able to share? What does your story have to do with this collective moment?  

Our answer? Everything. And our workshop will help you figure out how to own your story and share it with the world.  

Come ready to work!