want to take a bold step up in your leadership?
Being willing and able to powerfully and confidently tell your personal story can transform your leadership. If you are holding back when asked to tell your personal story or opting out of telling your story completely, you are not maximizing your leadership. Sign up to get customized, intensive coaching to help you develop your narrative so you can hold and inspire any audience.
MPP client Reshma Saujani sharing her story on the TED main stage.
The worLD is in turmoil and your leadership is needed. It is time to tell your story.
Are you not taking your leadership seriously?
Do you know you should have a TEDx talk but have not put in the effort to prepare yourself for one?
Are you amazing at what you do, but when people ask you to get on stage you always feel like someone else would be a better match? And...sometimes you even opt out and suggest someone else do it?
Do you know you could be showing up in a much more powerful way as a leader, in a way that incorporates all parts of you, but you choose to "play it safe?"
What is this costing you?
What would it mean if you stopped deferring your leadership and when an opportunity came up to speak, you jumped at the opportunity knowing you could powerfully deliver your story and your message?
What would it mean for your career if you brought your whole self to work and to the stage and didn't fragment who you are, sometimes leaving the most powerful parts of you exclusively for your "personal life" or your "spiritual life."
What would it mean to invest six months of your life to work on your story, use your voice and transform your leadership?
What would it mean six months from now to have shared your story on stages, published articles promoting your message and felt totally integrated as a leader.
The Million Person Project works one-on-one with 15 clients per year, would you like to be one of them?
6-month commitment with the option to continue coaching monthly after 6-month package.
$9,000 if paid in full or $1533 per month.
Initial half-day retreat, in person or virtual. (3 hours)
One-on-one intensive meetings every three weeks. (90 minutes) (Note: Can be done on an expedited or extended timeline)
2-4 hours of homework per week. (But it is stuff you should be doing anyway. Writing blogs, articles, prepping your story etc)
Serious accountability from the Million Person Project. They are not passive coaches. They demand you show up and do the work.
20-minute power sessions available as needed.
“Working with the Million Person Project has been life-changing. The process led me to a level of self honesty that I didn’t know was waiting under the surface. I have stepped closer to understanding my own version of the meaning of life, and once there, it became that much easier to share and act from that place.”
“Heather helped me to further live my soul purpose by feeling confident sharing my story unapologetically to any audience.”
Link to story here {VIDEO}
“I am a big fan of Heather. She helped me dig deep into my own background in advance of my TED talk and identify the stories that made my speech a viral success.”
“Since my time with Million Person Project, I have spoken on national stages every month. Doors opened that I could not have imagined. One major win was being selected for the Nathan Cummings fellowship. It has been a beautiful ride that has helped me to see that I don’t need anything more than myself, my story, my truth, in order to be boldly great in the world. ”
“After undergoing this process guided by the Million Person Project, I find that I am able to better prepare myself for any speaking opportunity. I now have a base story from which I can build talks off, I know where to begin, the main points of the story and how to connect to the audience.”