Ubuntu Storytelling Showcase: We want to hear your story of what UBUNTU means to you. When did you learn the word Ubuntu? How have you experienced UBUNTU in your life? Record a short video what UBUNTU means to you. You can talk directly into your phone and submit your video or you can record a poem, short film or piece of art.
Prompt: Ubuntu, I am because we are….
Submission Period: January 15th -March 15th
No longer than 10 min. (Shorter entries work too. 1 or 2 minutes is great!)
Open to everybody with five categories: General, Women, Elders (over 55), Returning Citizens, and Youth (under 25) – each providing:
First Place: $10,000
Second Place: $5,000
Third Place: $2,500
And Five Honorable Mentions: $500
This project is part of the Ubuntu Climate Initiative:
You can submit your video here. Don’t overthink it. Speak from the heart and push submit!