“Since my time with Million Person Project, I have spoken on national stages
every month. Doors opened that I could not have imagined. And oh, yes, I won
the national fellowship with Nathan Cummings Foundation. Its been a
beautiful ride that has helped me to see that I didn’t need anything more
than myself, my story, my truth, in order to be boldly great in the world.”
Sunday February 26th and Monday February 27th 2017 the Million Person Project will host a 2-day intensive storytelling workshop in the San Diego area. Click the link below for more information or to buy your tickets. Register before January 16th, 2017 to secure the early bird price: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2-day-million-person-project-personal-storytelling-workshop-encinitas-february-26-27-tickets-30307745282
In our small group program you will learn to powerfully tell your story and be given the support and accountability to get out in the world and start sharing it. Being willing and able to deliver your most authentic story is a critical leadership skill, it’s time to tell it!
What the program entails:
45 minute accountability calls twice a month for 3 months. (Weekday at 430pm PST. Calls will be recorded.)
Training videos release twice a month.
Step-by-step homework and worksheets.
Peer accountability partner.
An active private Facebook group to answer quick questions and provide feedback.
Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/3-month-personal-storytelling-home-study-course-tickets-29560999746